SchermNed insect netting wishes Florein Gerbera's a healthy cultivation!

Protect cultivation from unwanted insects from the outside in an affordable, environmentally friendly way, preserving desired insects indoors in conjunction with an optimal climate. This is exactly what Reinier Zuidgeest of Florein Gerbera's was looking for. In SchermNed he found the right partner.

Caterpillar control

Quality is the most important criterion for Florein Gerberas, a leading grower of large-flowered Gerberas. The total area is 35,500m2 and contains an assortment of 38 varieties of gerberas.

"In recent years, caterpillars have been a major problem in gerbera cultivation," says Reinier Zuidgeest of Florein Gerberas. "We have to use more and more means of pesticides to combat this scourge, with the result that other biological pesticides are also killed and eventually everything becomes a problem." Reinier is also looking to the future, the regulations for pesticides are becoming increasingly strict.

Reiner Zuidgeest himself went looking for a solution to keep moths and caterpillars out and ended up at SchermNed. SchermNed was able to offer him several solutions to this problem. Reinier was well and pleasantly informed by SchermNed about the various possibilities.


Different mesh solutions and challenges

Harmonica insect netting has often been used by growers, Reinier knew. This entails a considerable investment, which were unfavorable for Reinier. "We already have enough challenges in horticulture" The SchermNed insect filter system was the most in line with his wishes and the problem. This insect filter can easily be applied in the existing greenhouse. The system contains no movable components, which significantly reduces the risk of damage and wear. And price-wise it is more attractive compared to the harmonica insect netting.

An insect filter with a mesh size tailored to gerbera cultivation and its challenges was chosen. As a result, the chance of moths and caterpillars from the outside is reduced and the reduction of light and air capacity remains small. A good middle ground between combating moths and caterpillars and climate control.

Carl Stougie of SchermNed: "As an extra service, we always offer a number of test windows to new, as well as, existing relations. In addition to our advice and quotation, they can also see how the different types of insect solutions are reflected in their greenhouse and thus make a conscious choice".

insectengaas gerbera schermned

Desired effect

The insect filter system will be installed in one of the two Florein Gerbera's greenhouses in the coming weeks. With this, Reinier wants to see whether the insect netting on the 1.5 hectares of gerberas has the desired effect.

Reinier is positive about the collaboration with SchermNed. "There was good and clear contact with each other, there was smooth switching and quotations were discussed clearly and quickly in person". Because SchermNed produces the insect filter in the Netherlands, the delivery times are fast. Another advantage to choose SchermNed!

monteren insectengaas gerbera schermned

Look here for the complete range of insect netting and screen installations from SchermNed.




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Contact us

If you have a challenge relating to a screen installation and you think the expertise of SchermNed may help, our specialists never shy away from a challenge and are ready to assist you. Contact us for straightforward and comprehensive advice.

Carl Stougie

+31 (0)6 13 287 262
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You can rely on SchermNed. Since 1990, the leading specialist in screen installations and insect netting for the horticultural and utility sectors. We never shy away from a challenge, always offer straightforward advice and diligently and pleasantly apply our knowledge and quality.